This day was very good because my classmates did very interest presentations, the three presentations caught our attention, so I can say that this day we could learn something interest and new.
Evelyn Antillanca’s presentation was “have we lost the respect inside the classroom?” which I think is a great topic for us to know what is going on this days in some schools and the difference that exist today comparing with the past. She showed us two or three videos that in my case were shocking but at the same time very educational. She spoke very fluently and with confidence and clarity. A very good idea was give us tips to manage that situations, all those tips are very useful. Evelyn had a few mistakes and a very good PowerPoint.
Cristóbal Jara talked about “teaching technologies” this was also a very good presentation and really useful for us as a teachers. Most of us have facebook or other technological resources only for fun, but we did not know that we could use them for teaching in a different way. Cristóbal also showed us a very funny video, we all like it. I think that Cristóbal weaknesses were his voice, but not his tone of voice, but his rhythm, he spoke very, very fast. Other thing is that he was static, he did not move in the whole presentation.
Daniela Aguilar talked about “recycling” which is a topic I love, so I do not know if this presentation liked me due to the fact that I am, very interested in this topic or she really could keep me interested in her presentation. But I think that this has been the best Daniela’s presentation of this year. She gave us tips and advises to recycling and where to go if we want to recycle. She also showed us very touching videos, I wanted to cry. I think that the negative part was her pronunciation and that she was as static as Cristóbal.